Spend 5 seconds around someone that is debt free or at a latter step of their financial peace journey and you will probably hear the phrase we used for the title of this entry. So, where did it start and how did Dave “ruin our life” you ask?
Our Financial Peace Journey
Where We Started
There we were, 2015 and married for just about 5 years. We had two kids, a house we bought and rented out but didn't live in (#militarylife), 2 car payments, and a time share. Were we worried? No way! Every month the bills were paid and no balance ever carried over on the credit card. So, we bought season pass tickets to DISNEY WORLD!
When We Heard About Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University
Then it happened. Our small group form our church in Florida was looking for a new study to do together. We considered Financial Peace University (FPU) for 2 seconds and unanimously decided that we were all beyond that. So, we decided to begin Dave Ramsey’s Legacy Journey. HA! Where we in for a rude awakening or what. On page 7 it states the 7 Baby Steps from FPU then next on page 8 it states the "NOW-THEN-US-THEM" principle. We may have made it 10 minutes into the first video before a pause and quick discussion made us realize that we were definitely NOT FINE. I’m talking we were Michael Jordan playing baseball out of our league.
The Beginning Work
We borrowed the FPU CDs (it was 2014, don’t judge), for our long car ride to Disney World. While it was a great use of the time we had in the car, it made us both sick to the stomach. The sick where you say turn around and go home the trip is cancelled! We still went but we definitely limited our Dole Whip consumption.
Sticking to the Budget
One month we pulled into the gas station on our way back from a beautiful day at the beach. I asked my wife how much gas was left in the gas budget. $21.76. That was all that was left for the month. It was enough to get us where we needed to go. Key word there, needed. No more beach trips for that month. FPU makes you realize the difference between what you “need” and what you “want”. That soda and a snicker bar in the checkout aisle that costs the same as an entire meal for a family of five.
Financial Peace University puts things in perspective. It’s not easy and will take time. It will take energy to plan and budget every month. It started with a solid budget that we continue to refine... EVERY month. Yes, we budget EVERY month. We realized the power of saying no and changing our habits to expedite our way through the 7 Baby Steps. You learn to say a very simple word, “No”. This allows you to meet your goals and keep your budget. Why does a budget always seem like a trip to the dentist? It is not all rainbows and unicorns. However, it must be done and you need to stick to it.
Finding Your Why
Sit down and think about what your why is. Do you want to be able to travel? What about have a house by the lake? Create a vision board of your financial dreams. Our vision board has our children and our “make believe” grandchildren on it. We desire to have the ability to drop whatever we are doing and go to them whenever they need us. No matter where they are living and the cost to get to them.
Don’t Wait
We all start at different places and that is ok! It is never too early or too late. The key is that we are all headed towards the same goal. We are all running to financial peace because of our “Why”. When you become debt free, you won’t want to go back. We promise! We cannot wait to be on Baby Step 7 in a few short years!
He Really Didn’t Ruin Our Life!
While Dave didn’t take away the soda and snicker bars he did make us think about how and what we spent our money on. When you realize your "why" it helps you decide to live like no one else now. That way, in hopefully some time soon, you can live and give like no one else! In time will grow to have this love hate relationship with Dave Ramsey just like us!